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QuantHEP Conference – Quantum Technologies and High-Energy Physics Conference

The QuantHEP Conferences aim:

  • to present and discuss ideas and results on how Quantum Technologies can help address scientific challenges in High-Energy Physics (HEP), and how in turn HEP can bring new insights into Quantum Information Science;

  • to bring the QT and HEP communities closer together and foster their scientific collaboration.

The acronym QuantHEP comes from the merging of the names of the sections of the arXiv used by the QT and HEP communities, respectively: Quantum Physics (quant-ph), and High-Energy Physics (hep-ex, hep-lat, hep-ph, hep-th).

The first QuantHEP Conference will take place in Bari, Italy, on 25-27 September 2023.

With the goal of making the QuantHEP Conferences a community-driven annual meeting, a Steering Committee has been established.

To apply to organise the QuantHEP Conference 2024, please submit your proposal by 15 October 2023 to:

Proposals should be sent as a PDF file, with maximum three pages, indicating: 1. the organising committee; 2. how the event will address the goals of the QuantHEP Conferences (indicated above); 3. the tentative dates and duration; 4. the location and how it can be reached by international participants; 5. the venue and corresponding capacities (including for a potential poster session, etc.); 6. expected funding sources.


Steering Committee

Andris Ambainis, ULatvia
Ignacio Cirac, MPQ Garching
Alberto Di Meglio, CERN
Elisa Ercolessi, UBologna
Karl Jansen, DESY
Dieter Lüst, LMU Munich
Joe Lykken, Fermilab
Simone Montangero, UPadova
Yasser Omar, PQI & IST, ULisbon
Giorgio Parisi, URome La Sapienza
Saverio Pascazio, UBari
Antonio Zoccoli, INFN
Peter Zoller, IQOQI & UInnsbruck